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Call for Help: Open Farm Workday, Saturday, May 11

It's time to clean out last year's tomato greenhouse so we can get ready to plant our peppers and eggplants. Hard to believe that we're a few short weeks away from putting in these hot crops already, but the seedlings are snug in their pots, waiting for the chance to grow.

It's a big task for me and Seth, so we'd love to have your help! On Saturday, May 11 from 9:30-11:30am we're looking for helpers to come to the farm. Tasks will include unclipping plastic clips from old plants, cutting and removing tomato twine, pulling out old plants, hauling old plants to the tractor for composting, and taking down tomato hooks from their hanging system. The work will be full of bending and stretching, and a little heavy lifting if you're hauling plants. If this is something you'd like to help with, please use our Google form to sign up so we know how many people to expect.

Workers should bring their own water bottles and wear layers and/or suncreen and hats, and anything else you may need to feel comfortable. We look forward to seeing you! Thank you!

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